A Grin without a Cat Is it just us, or does the Cheshire Cat have the best exit strategy in history? He hangs out at his favorite spot, chatting to anyone who happens to pass by, and then when he's over the conversation, he just peaces out and disappears. Imagine how awesome it would be to simply vanish from a long class or a boring meeting or even a relative asking you about your love life. All of a sudden, Aunt Mildred would just be looking at your disembodied smile. Sounds ideal! A stuffed tail is sewn to the seat and the hood has cat ears. Grin and Wear It Pay homage to one of your favorite fairy tale characters with minimal effort! This outfit is amazing for costume parties, but it's also perfect for wearing while eating snacks (preferably marked "Eat Me" and "Drink Me") and watching Disney movie marathons. And don't worry: Once you hang this outfit in your closet, it won't vanish on you unless you loan it out to a good friend!